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                                 Prayers Online

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Psalm 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

Prayer is such a powerful force. We underestimate it so much. Prayer can move mountains if only we would let it. If only you would realise just how powerful prayer can be, you would never feel hopeless. Join in with the prayers online; Begin to move in faith in the name of Jesus Christ to break chains of imprisonment in your life.

                                 Prayers Online

Psalm 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

Prayer is such a powerful force. We underestimate it so much. Prayer can move mountains if only we would let it. If only you would realise just how powerful prayer can be, you would never feel hopeless. Join in with the prayers online; Begin to move in faith in the name of Jesus Christ to break chains of imprisonment in your life.

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